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Welcome To SoulBoost!
Journey to Discover & Boost Your Soul
Your soul is your essence, your very DNA. We were all sent to the world with a divine purpose. We are here to help you discover and boost that divine potential.
SoulBoost welcomes you on a journey to discover the real you and the inner qualities that you truly possess. This can only be done by purely working on yourself through personal reflections, meditations, and seminars that will help you understand the genuine powers of the world.
Engaging with such powers will help you overcome the challenges on the way and realize your true potential, one milestone at a time.
Far beyond “self-help”, SoulBoost will provide you with tools such as compelling meditations, inspiring seminars, heart-warming stories, and a deeply connecting channel to help you reach what you must become.
We invite you to become the greater you, one step at a time.
Where Would You Like To Start?

Special Courses
Learn with Rabbi Amar profound life concepts brought down for your daily living.

Torah Classes
Explore Torah concepts as illuminated by Kabbalah and Chassidut. Watch inspirational video and audio recordings.

Practical life, marriage, career advice. Join a group coaching cohort or work one on one.

Rabbi Amar
Rabbi Chay Amar has coached hundreds of people, helping them transform obstacles into opportunities by reframing their perspectives. Find out more about one on one sessions or group coaching.
Soul Boost Videos
Our comprehensive class section has everything you need to understand better how to reframe your perspective and live as your highest self.
Rabbi Chay is fluent in multiple languages. Delve into a sea of wisdom and explore content in your language.
I'm Rabbi Chay Amar
Hi, I am Rabbi Chay Amar, a Chabad emissary to Golden Beach, Fl. For years I have been teaching and inspiring our growing community, speaking internationally, and lecturing on the spiritual traditions of Kabbalah and Chassidut.
I would like to invite you to SoulBoost, an online platform with enlightening wisdom, inspiring courses, and life-changing skills which will allow you to live as who you are - a beautiful soul with a divine mission.
I want to invite you to read my book "To be or to become" on the fundamentals of finding happiness and fulfillment in our tumultuous world.

"Today in a World where the Material tendencies tend be stronger, we need to reinforce our Neshama with wise words and ideas. Rab Amar’s course helps you disconnect to be able to really connect back to the source."
- Denisse Romano

"An exciting journey on every day topics explained on a deeper level. The way Rab Amar comes across, fusing every idea perfectly for anyone in any level to be able to really understand and retain is what I most value in his courses."
- Moises Jafif

"Rabbi Amar has the ability to explain complex and elevated concepts in a very simple and of profound level, and of course his humorous and entertaining way is a key ingredient in every class."
- Linda Masri
Soul Boost
Take control of all aspects of your life with these comprehensive courses.
View Our Course Section
Reframe Your Mind
Learn the basics of the Torah NLP method. Based on Rabbi Akiva's incredible approach, Rabbi Amar teaches you how to make the shifts in your mind to live the life you are meant for.

Meditation & Breath
Learn more about the power of breath and meditation from authentic Torah sources. Transform the way you feel, think and act by learning the tools of mindful living and applying them to your life.

Harmony Within
Delve into the soul and body dynamics found within you. Learn what Kabbalah and Chassidut say are the keys to holistic living, food, exercise, and focus.

Loving Companions
Learn about the keys to a great marriage. In this course, Rabbi Amar distills knowledge he has learned from the Torah and through working with hundreds of couples to help them find an empowered and loving relationship.