Vayikra - The Real Sacrifice
Mar 23, 2023
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What can we learn about humility? By giving up our ego, we give the greatest gift. This is what we learn from Moses and the small Aleph.
Finding The Essence Within
Mar 01, 2023
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Dear friends! What does Purim mean to you?
For me, it is about connecting to the essence and revealing the power within
There are many facets in which Hashem can reveal himself, and then there is ...
Shmot - You really want to expel this child from your school?
Jan 15, 2023
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The Lubavitcher Rebbe taught Rabbi Shmuel Hefer, dean of the Beit Rivkah institute in Kfar Chabad, Israel, an unforgettable lesson about the unique care he must take in overseeing the individual needs...
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